Don’t Let Your Kids Stop Learning During Summer

Summer is a great time to relax and have fun, especially for children who just finished a school year. And if you’re not careful, that’s all they’ll do. Now that today’s kids are flush with devices, it’s easy to fall behind in an area that parents need to pay attention to: summer learning.

For preschoolers and school-aged children alike, it’s about new mental and physical skills and goal-setting. These not only prepare children for school success, but also for better interactions at home. What goals are you setting for children during the summer? What new skills can they learn before school starts again in the fall?

Development is particularly important to children in transition, either to a higher age group with new expectations or to a new school with changing experiences altogether.

Academic Learning
There are many summer reading programs and children can also find time to study things that interest them. As summer winds down, parents should begin talking about the upcoming school environment and maybe even start introducing some topics they may see in the new school year.

At-Home Development
Summer is a great time to take ownership, such as caring for their own items, doing chores and working on complex, multi-step tasks.

But while it’s important to keep learning and honing skills during the summer, it is, after all, summer! Kids need to time to be kids, but that doesn’t mean going development don’t have to stand opposite each other. You support their fun times and get in that much-needed learning at the same time.

Best of Both Worlds at Ninja Zone
Development and fun go hand in hand at NinjaZone. With more than 275 locations nationwide, NinjaZone provides programs where children of all ages and skill levels can pick up new skills, become more confident, get valuable exercise all while having fun with friends.

NinjaZone combines the coordination, creativity and balance of gymnastics with strength and agility attributes to create programs for all ages and skill levels. From Baby Ninjas (walkers to age 3) all the way to our Ninjas at age 11, your child will learn and develop while channeling that summer energy into fun!

Sign up for NinjaZone today to find out how 80,000+ ninjas already know and make the most of your summer.


How Physical Activities Can Enhance your Child’s Academic Performance

We know that every parent wants the best for their child across all aspects of their life. Making strong social connections, forming lifelong bonds with their family, developing hobbies and advancing their education all take top priority. However, sometimes missing from that list is a proper emphasis on a good amount of physical activity. Staying physically active might not seem like an important element when viewed on its own, but it’s a vital part of a well-rounded childhood and a smooth transition into adulthood.

Physical activity provides more than passive benefits to your child’s well being, however. With the proper amount of physical activity, your child can boost their performance in the classroom as well. Sadly, many physical education programs in schools across the country are being cut or reduced to meet budgetary constraints. Physical activity’s link to academic performance is still a topic of emerging research, but several factors of physical activity have been widely linked to better overall results in the classroom. So, how do these activities contribute to better academics and why should your child get involved?

Any type of physical activity requires sustained concentration and focus, a skill set that can be trained and improved just like physical characteristics including strength, speed, and agility. In our case, at NinjaZone we place an emphasis on discipline and focus in each class for our ninjas. Regardless of the type of activity, however, the skill of concentration that children acquire and hone can be put to use in a classroom setting. Setting to the task at hand with an emphasis on searching for the best solution and the focus to see it through is a vital element in any classroom environment.

Additionally, physical activity provides an outlet for children to work out their excess energy and refocus on the world around them afterward. If you’ve ever tried to get a child with too much energy to focus, you know how challenging can be. With a proper way to manage those bursts of energy, any child will be better equipped to concentrate better on their academics.

Exercise has been proven beyond a doubt to have a positive impact on mood and the brain, releasing chemicals called endorphins that have a powerful impact on cognitive function and overall mood. Endorphins are known to create feelings of euphoria, reduce pain, promote feelings of well-being, relieve stress and make falling asleep easier. With all of the benefits of endorphins, it’s no wonder that regular physical activity can have a dramatic positive impact on overall mood. Children with a greater sense of well-being don’t have to struggle as much with negative emotions, allowing them to focus with a clearer view of the topics in front of them. Children being in a better mood means that they are easier to teach, and more likely to participate in activities that will enhance their understanding of the material.

General mood boosts, improved mood and concentration, new skills and the social bonds formed during communal physical activities all combine to help boost the self-esteem of young children. Boosting confidence and self-esteem is an important part of NinjaZone’s program, as allowing children to advance at their own pace and take control over their own development imparts a great sense of confidence and self-esteem. In the classroom, this higher self-esteem can translate to less intimidation by new material and an outlook more likely to be ready and willing to take on and overcome new challenges. This can-do attitude can also readily translate to testing, as a more self-assured outlook can help offset the effects of test anxiety in young children. If they believe in themselves, they’re more likely to succeed.

As you can see, physical activity is an irreplaceable part of a well-rounded childhood full of education and development. By providing students with new skills, as well as boosting their confidence and self-esteem through a curriculum that prioritizes individual progress, NinjaZone is proud to play a part in a process that can do a world of good for children. Finding the right physical activity for your child can be a challenge, but when they have the right fit, they’ll be better equipped for a better academic future.

Ninjz gymnastics & trampoline place

You Don’t Have to Love Sports to be Active

The cultural expectation for children, especially boys, to participate in physical activity through sports can be challenging for some. From school activities to time spent with family, organized sports are the chief contributors to physical activity. These expectations can be tough to overcome, as a physical activity seems to be linked more and more to sports. While there are a great many sports out there that can meet a wide variety of tastes and interests, sports simply aren’t for everyone. Competition, sports cultures, and strict rules can be off-putting and be discouraging from progressing in a sport. However, that doesn’t mean that you, your children and your family can’t stay active.

Every child should have the opportunity to develop their own physical fitness, but there isn’t one single path that works best for everyone. Similarly, your family can stay active without having to do an activity that not everyone will be enthused about. So how can you keep a love of activity alive without going in on traditional sports?

It’s a way to take in nature, de-stress and spend quality time with friends and family, or alone. There’s no set pace, no set time or distance limits, and the level of activity can be exactly what you make it. Hiking is one of the easiest activities to participate in that builds fitness without the constraint of sports. Next weekend, try scoping out parks and hiking trails near to your house and getting your family involved in a hike. You and your children might discover a new passion, and you’ll certainly work up a sweat.

Biking does carry an initial investment cost, but since it serves as an alternate mode of transportation as well as a great way to get and stay in shape, bikes could well be worth it if you don’t already own them. When observing the proper safety practices, biking gives your children a safe way to get around while burning calories and having fun. If their friends nearby also have bikes, then it’s all the more easy to get your child out and about while building muscle and burning calories.

Climbing may not be for everyone, but if there’s a climbing gym nearby it’s worth it to try it out and see if it’s right for you. Climbing walls come with a complete array of safety equipment, padded floors, a variety of climbing walls varying by difficulty and staff to ensure that everyone has a safe, fun experience. Climbing can be one of the most physically demanding activities you can do, giving a full body workout, but is also only as intensive as you want it to be. If your children take to it, you might find they have so much fun they don’t notice how much exercise they’re actually doing!

For some, the structure of sports can be off-putting if they’re more comfortable with an open environment where they can run, climb and jump how they please. If you’re nearby a local playground, visiting the play equipment there and setting your children lose can be a great way to get exercise. Children can meet friends, play games and exercise for hours in a more open environment, providing a great way to keep exercise fun. Bonus points if you walk to the playground.

For parents looking for a structured environment to allow their children to be physically active without participating in the traditional structure of organized sports, Ninja Classes could be the perfect answer. The NinjaZone program combines elements of coordination from gymnastics, strength, and agility from obstacle training and the creativity from freestyle movement, all in a program where progression is determined at the pace of progress that the child makes.

We’ve designed the program to be fun, with Ninjas grouped by age and supervised to ensure that they have fun and stay safe. Ninja Classes aren’t a sport in a traditional sense, but they provide a great opportunity for kids to have fun and develop confidence in addition to fitness. If you’re interested in signing your child up for the NinjaZone program and getting in shape without sports, contract a certified gym near you today.